The Simpsons is an American animated television sitcom created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series is a parody of a middle class American family, which consists of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. The show is set in the fictional city of Springfield. The series itself mocks the American culture, society and television, and many aspects of the human condition.
Since its debut on 17th December 1989 the show has broadcasted 441 episodes and the twentieth season began airing on 28th September 2008. Also The Simpsons Movie was released in cinemas worldwide on 26th July 2007.
The Simpsons has won dozens of awards since it debuted as a series, including 24 Primetime Emmy Awards, 26 Annie Awards and a Peabody Award. Finally, on 14th January 2000 the Simpson family was awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
The Simpsons is the longest-running American sitcom.
Homer Simpson
Family member: father
Job: Safety Inspector at the
Physical appearance: overweight and bald
Personal qualities: lazy and low intelligence
Marge Simpson
Family member: Homer’s wife
Job: Housewife
Physical appearance: tall blue bun
Personal qualities: Good humour; she suffers with her family problems
Bart Simpson
Family member: Oldest Son
Job: Student at
Physical appearance: Slim, attractive
Personal qualities: restless, naughty, hooligan; he doesn’t like school
Lisa Simpson
Family member: middle daughter
Job: Student at
Physical appearance: Good looking; medium height
Personal qualities: very intelligent, tidy, creative
Maggie Simpson
Family member: youngest daughter
Job: none; she is a baby
Physical appearance: she is always wearing her dummy
Personal qualities: nice, not talkative